Ever wondered what makes people tick?





What is it?

DISC profiling is a psychometric tool measuring observable behaviour grouped into four distinct styles: dominant, influencer, steady/supportive and compliant. It's able to analyse individual preferences as well as how those dynamics work in a team setting. It is important to note that DISC profiling does not identify abnormal behaviour. 

DISC profiling helps identify strengths and areas of growth, preferred communication styles, goal setting preferences, motivation factors, value brought to the organisation and the team, and opportunities for conflict resolution and prevention. This increased awareness helps further develop effective working relationships and as a result, leads to improved outcomes with both colleagues and customers. 

Why use it?

People are different but they are predictably different. DISC profiling is able to analyse individual behavioural preferences as well as how those dynamics work in a relational context.

DISC profiling allows to explore and embrace differences to enhance team strengths. It is flexible, practical, visual and contextual. It brings a new level of awareness of self and others and leads to positive action moving forward.

It describes how someone is “wired” as a preference, but that does not mean to label them. Everyone is a combination of these styles and their behaviour can be adapted with an increased level of understanding. Anyone can do any job, the difference is how they go about it. 

How does it work?

DISC profiling will involve completing a simple online questionnaire, an electronic link will be sent out with instructions. The online assessment takes 7 minutes to complete. This will produce each participant their own 15-page report, with a description of their profile, as well as tips on adapting behaviour and communication style in relation to other styles. The responses to the questionnaire will be completely confidential, as well as the report it generates. The delivery includes a confidential 1:1 follow up explaining attendees their results, with a bespoke analysis of their DISC graphs. In addition, there is an option for a half day or full day DISC team dynamics workshop looking at group dynamics in an interactive and fun way.

What if I need a tailored package?

The entire service is designed around your needs and tailored to your preferences. You have options for:

  • a confidential 1:1 process looking at your own results at work, including your stress response versus baseline behaviour under normal circumstances;
  • analysing team dynamics based on team members' individual results brought together, including team characteristics under normal circumstances versus your stress response as a team;
  • working 2 to 1 with managers and their direct reports, or 2 to 1 between senior leaders remains a popular choice.

If you opt for the DISC team dynamics group session, it will end with a high level action plan. The content of the day can be adapted to focus on particular needs and objectives, based on guidance from the leader of the team and feedback from key stakeholders. Our initial planning meetings are helpful to create your bespoke content and suitable delivery design.

Only a 7 minutes assessment for comprehensive results in a 15 page report AND bespoke 1:1 analysis by your DISC accredited coach!


your investment:

From £150 (including VAT)


What you receive: 

  • Your personalised 15-page comprehensive report
  • 1 to 1 feedback and analysis by Katalin Marton, via zoom 


  1. Payment is required in advance
  2. Think Transformation Terms apply. 

To arrange an informal chat please email me at: 

[email protected]

Think Transformation Limited

1B Blackfriars House Parsonage, Manchester, Greater Manchester M3 2JA

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